Page 18 - DFCS News Magazine Winter 2015
P. 18

The San Diego Padres Thanked for Supporting the Military and Veterans
By Chuck Sweeney
On July 20, 2014, the Padres honored the Dis n- guished Flying Cross Society by having eighteen members standing along the  rst base line and four members standing at home plate during their Salute to Veterans Day. The four members at home plate had their pictures in uniform or  ight gear shown on the big screen while a very short descrip on of their military achievements were read. In addi on, the camera went down the line of the eighteen members showing their pictures on the big screen, and nine members were selected to run out to the nine posi-  ons on the  eld and meet the Padres player at that posi on. During the third inning, the cameras fo- cused on the members in the stands with the DFC Society banner just to remind the spectators who we were.
All of the DFC Society members received a minimum of four  ckets for that game for their family or friends, and we also received  ckets to several other games that year. Based on the Padres program, the Sea le Mariners followed suit on July 12, 2015, by honoring 27 members of the DFCS Paci c Northwest Chapter thanks to Bill Brad eld and Tom Hayward.
On August 17, 2015, the DFC Society was once again honored by the Padres at their Salute to Veterans Day. This  me they wanted to honor DFCS members who were Vietnam Veterans, and we had 27 mem- bers standing along the  rst base line. They were wearing their DFCS shirts and San Diego Padres hats with Vietnam Veteran s tched on the back, a gi  from the Padres. As done previously, nine members ran out to the nine posi ons and met the players. Two local Vietnam Veteran Medal of Honor recipi- ents, Jay Vargas and Bob Modrzejewski, were hon- ored at home plate to commemorate the introduc-  on of the new USPS Medal of Honor stamp. As pre- viously, DFCS members received  ckets to the game for family and friends and, a few members and fami- ly were invited to the Owners Box to watch the
We decided to thank the San Diego Padres for hon- oring not only the DFC Society but, also for their full-  me and very strong support of all the military and veterans by presen ng them with a DFCS plaque. The wording on the plaque follows:
The Dis nguished Flying Cross Society sincerely thanks the San Diego Padres for their very strong support of the Military and Veterans
The plaque was presented on December 3, 2015, to Tom Seidler, one of the Padres owners and JJ Quinn, Padres Military A airs Advisor. They were thrilled with the plaque, as well as the challenge coin and DFC Book that they each received. Incidentally, the Padres do not receive any funding from the US Mili- tary for this fantas c support. We are also planning on expanding this program to other MLB teams and ul mately to other sports.
The San Diego Padres for years have honored and supported all of the Military Services, as well as Veterans and the families of both (as well as  rst responders). They not only honor them at ball games but provide strong support at other events that are not no ced by the general public.
Game Honoring The DFC Society
Chuck Sweeney, Bob Cardenas, Fred Dungan and Sid Zimman
at home plate - Padres July 20, 2014
JJ Quinn, Greg MacNeil, Chuck Sweeney and Tom Seidler with DFCS Plaque
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