Page 2 - DFCS News Magazine Winter 2015
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Iam not sure where the  me has gone and guess I’m behind the power curve again, so will try and catch you up with what is happening in the DFC Society.
The process for our new Member- ship Directory is moving along quite well. We teamed up with
Publishing Concepts Inc. (PCI) to publish a new directory and, through this partnership, we are receiving updated member data. Phase One, tel- ephone interviews, is complete, and we are now in Phase Two, e-mail and snail-mail contacts, which enables you to add, correct, or update de- tails of your military service, as well as submit military and current photos of yourself. If you do not have an email address on  le, you will receive a le er via USPS asking for the same informa on. A return-addressed envelope will be included. We expect Phase Two to complete over the next couple of months, at which  me we will begin the  nal Phase Three, edi ng.
It is an cipated that the Member Directory and products purchased will be shipped in mid- summer 2016. To date, this project has brought approximately 150 former members back into the Society and hundreds of changes to our Master Database i.e. updated addresses, telephone num- bers, e-mail addresses, etc. We believe this pro- ject is very successful and that our communica-  on with you, our members, will be greatly en- hanced. Thank you.
The DFC Society 2016 Conven on will be in Dal- las, TX between September 25th – 29th.. Joe Geary and Rick Graham are heading up the Conven on Commi ee, and they are planning an event you won’t want to miss. We have a great guest speaker, Eileen Collins, Astronaut and DFC Socie- ty member, scheduled to speak at the Banquet. We are lining up another DFC Society member, a female War Fighter, to speak on Monday. These two speakers will emphasize the Conven on theme, “Heroic Women of the DFC”. You will be sorry if you miss this conven on! See the ar cle in this issue for more informa on. The Spring 2016 issue of “DFCS News Magazine” will have speci c details and an i nerary.
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Presidents Message
Greg Mac Neil and his team completed the rebrand- ing of the DFC Society. The newly branded memora- bilia items include a solid brass license plate frame, an embroidered baseball cap, challenge coin key fob, po- lo shirt, co ee mug, bumper s cker, window decal, and challenge coin. All of these items were intro- duced before Christmas and are quite popular. They make very e ec ve marke ng pieces, as you never know who will ask ques ons about the DFC Society when they no ce these items. Be proud of your membership in the DFCS and display your member- ship to everyone.
Also, don’t forget, “On Heroic Wings: Stories of the Dis nguished Flying Cross” which not only adver ses the Society but also educates the public of the history of the DFC and the heroes who were awarded this pres gious medal. We are proud that this book is a great tool for American youths to learn about the val- ues of courage, patrio sm and character - those very characteris cs upon which America was founded.
Members with internet received an e-blast about the 2015 White House Christmas Ornament honoring the presidency of Calvin Coolidge. President Coolidge served as the 13th president of the United States from 1923 to 1929. The ornament depic ons the White House Na onal Christmas Tree and is cra ed from shiny brass plated with nickel and 24k gold. It has the DFC medal predominately centered. The tree is illu- minated from within and has ornaments represen ng the events of Coolidge’s unique life and presidency.
An o ce holder of the White House Historical Associ- a on who is a DFC Society member, made a personal appeal to the DFC Society to call a en on to this year’s ornament displaying the DFC medal. The White House Associa on has no poli cal a lia on other than the preserva on of the history of the White House itself. The White House Historical Associa on, founded in 1961 through e orts of First Lady Jacquel- ine Kennedy is a private, non-pro t organiza on with a mission to enhance the public's understanding, apprecia on, and enjoyment of the White House its self.
The ornament might s ll be available from the White House Historical Associa on call 800-555-2451 to order.

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