Page 1004 - Total War on PTSD
P. 1004

Duke the German Shepherd and Sasha the Red Nose Pitbull Mix - Toby: I joined the U.S. Army in July of 1983 and served through December of 2003. I was in Nuremberg, Germany in 1983 but basically, we were just were just there to help build stuff. I was with the 12th Engineers Support Battalion for Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm in December 1990 and we stayed pretty much until the end. We were some of the last ones to leave...I think it was around April of 1991. I was with the 92nd Engineers attached to 10th Mountain from September of 2001, (basically right after 9/11) through January of 2002 and we went to Uzbekistan under Operation Enduring Freedom.
I had my accident in January of 2002 and they flew me to Frankfort Germany (medical evacuation) and I was there in the hospital for almost a year because I couldn't be transferred. Once I was recovered sufficiently, they shipped me to Fort Stewart. From Fort Stewart I had medical stuff to deal with and I had to go to the Army base in Augusta Georgia. The good thing was that was where I lived so I was finally home. So, when I retired, I retired right there out of Georgia. I was being medically boarded out and, because of my injuries, and the fact that I still needed multiple surgeries and things like that; I didn't retire until December of 2003. They weren't going to release me until I was pretty much capable of getting out, health wise.
I went through the Hyperbaric Treatment a couple years ago, which really helped. I had an accident where I received a severe TBI...and my short-term memory bank was totally gone. So pretty much for five to six years I pretty much had sticky notes all over the place, alarm set and
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