Page 107 - Total War on PTSD
P. 107

 Connected Warriors holds high to light the way for others to find the path of inner peace.
I am also a Yoga Alliance On-line Presenter, part of Core Curriculum Working Group, participate in one of their advisory boards and was a contributor to the Yoga Service Council (YSC) book “Best Practices for Yoga for Veterans.”
What is Yoga?
Yoga is an ancient system of physical postures (asana), breath (pranayama), meditation and self-awareness. Synchronization of the mind, conscious breath and movement regulates the nervous system increasing resiliency. Yoga postures and breathing techniques build the body-mind connection by strengthening self- awareness, aiding the ability to observe and to stay with inner thoughts and feelings. This practice can help regain a sense of control and ownership over your body and experiences. Practicing yoga is a tool to learn to listen to your body and make choices to take care of yourself. This is mindfulness.
The objective of this practice is to sit quietly with yourself without employing a strategy to hide from yourself. This evolution of your higher consciousness or enlightenment happens when the physical, emotional and spiritual energies connect.
Physical Energy – The body can be quiet and still without effort for a duration of time.
Emotional Energy – The mental body can let go. Spiritual Energy – The spiritual body can focus inside.
“My name is Melody Jackman and I will always think of myself as a beginning yogi. I started Yoga in college but couldn’t find the right class or instructor to hold my interest for more than a couple of classes here and there throughout the years. When I joined the Army I hadn’t been practicing for several years and I volunteered for a unit that is more physically demanding than most. Pain that I had been able to ignore in
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