Page 20 - Total War on PTSD
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 PTSD Reality Check Dedications SECTION ONE
1 - The Effect of Coronavirus on PTSD in Global Populations - Anita Penn Daswani, LMHC 2 - Signs, Symptoms and Treatment of PTSD - Dr. Heidi Knock
3 - Acupuncture for PTSD - Carla Cassler, DAOM, L.Ac.
4 - Alexander Technique and PTSD - Andrea Pollinger Bruno
5 - Aromatherapy, the Olfactory System and Essential Oils - Rehne Burge, C.A.
6 - AtEase Therapy Glasses - Steve Clute
7 - Being Present in Chaos and Peace: Trauma-Conscious Yoga - Judy Weaver, C-IAYT, E-
8 - BioWave - Bradford Siff
9 - Blu Room - Mike Wright
10 - Camp 4 Heroes - John Woodall
11 - CBD - Steve Danyluk
12 - Changing the Brain Through Movement - The Feldenkrais Method® of Somatic
Education and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Kira Charles, JD, GCFP
13 - DOGA - Suzi Teitelman
14 - Esotherapy® for the Holistic Treatment of PTSD - Gerald Whitehawk 15 - Floatation Therapy - Chris and Trey Hearn (with Lance Bozek)
16 - Gamerz4Vets - Nate Gonzalez and Bennie Sullivan
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