Page 547 - Total War on PTSD
P. 547
547 of 1043
The study showed that by focusing in on how the mind and body’s biochemical pathways deal with stress we can effectively use nutritional supplements to help those with burnout. The relationship between burnout and PTSD is well documented, the common link is an abnormal response to the fight-or-flight (stress response) pathway. The key to successfully utilizing nutritional supplements to improve the physical and emotional complaints of Veterans with PTSD is to focus on the same fight-or-fight pathway. The fight-or-flight pathway is an ancient biochemical pathway that was designed to give humans a short burst of adrenaline to deal with an imminent danger. The problem is that today’s stressors are not short lived but long and drawn out which burnout the fight-or-flight pathway leading to PTSD. This is even more evident in the military where warriors are doing more with less and for a lot longer. Basically, we are