Page 781 - Total War on PTSD
P. 781
I wish that I had more to say about Max, but he was only around for a few of our missions. He was a wonderful, gorgeous, very well-trained dog, with a discerning sense of smell for trouble.
For a short time, while living in Mosul, Iraq, I fostered a small female mixed breed puppy in Iraq that followed me around one day while out on patrol. She was a tiny little thing. I was allowed to bring her back to our camp with me and care for her temporarily. It provided comfort to me in the short time we were together. Obviously, due to quarantine issues, I was not able to keep her or transport her back to the United States. I still wonder what the fate of that small dog was, after I was ordered to return her to the streets of Mosul.
If ever given the chance to return to service I undoubtedly would. The desert felt like home to me even though I was raised on the East coast, near grassy foothills, and never had any real long- term exposure to an actual desert until going overseas, outside of going on an Outward Bound trip for a few days when I was younger, near Moab, Utah.
The military...the Army...shaped the person I am now positively. I learned to love the outdoors. I learned to work on a team. I learned patience. I learned not to take everyday things for granted. I learned how to operate functionally under the most unforgiving conditions. Even so, I would not want my children to serve...not under today’s leadership. I do not support Donald Trump, and will not elaborate any further. No child of mine will sign up for the military while he is in office. Depending on the next president, possibly not then either. I would be proud to have a son or daughter in the military, but I wouldn't want them going off and having to fight a totally pointless battle.
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