Page 1066 - Total War on PTSD
P. 1066

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 Since this time, or actually interwoven in it, I have been mentoring individuals online. They could be anyone really. A majority are individuals who have health or physical issues related to PTSD, have or are dealing with MST, or need positive encouragement in general.
My book Total War on PTSD contains 44 chapters by experts in their fields who donated their expertise to benefit those suffering from PTSD and MST. It also contains 33 stories from Veterans with MST or PTSD who own Service Dogs, to help illustrate how very much their dogs have helped them to adapt and overcome their own difficulties and ‘see the light’
I have been on Military Network Radio, hosted by Linda Kreter, which can be accessed here: I have been asked to ‘appear ’ on Military Broadcast Radio by Joel Hunt (the H-Train), who had contacts with 30 additional military and non-military related radio stations. There is also a potential here of doing podcasts on a regular to semi-regular basis.
My spouse and I were interviewed for a local hometown news story which is available here: war-on-
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