Page 5 - Total War on PTSD
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into the world that all people who have experienced a traumatic event 'walk' every single day.
One path on PTSD that all of us, around the entire globe, walk now, and into the immediate if not long term future, is that of COVID-19. Starting on page 1038 is more information on this disease on humanity but I cannot hesitate to touch on the pulse of it here.
“Donald Trump publicly disagreed with the government’s most senior immunologist, Dr. Anthony Fauci, on the likelihood that the anti-malarial drug chloroquine could be an effective treatment for COVID-19, the pandemic coronavirus respiratory illness.” Additional information can be found here: treatment-covid-19/. Such discourse at the highest level simply cannot be of benefit to our society as a whole and is ill-informed.
Every single contributor to this book was a volunteer, and provided their chapters, contributions and stories with no expectations other than to help those dealing with PTSD towards recovery in any way possible. My deepest possible thanks go out to each and
every one of them for such an extraordinary and wonderful gesture on behalf of all PTSD sufferers.
My first mission is to gain your trust so here I am, reaching out my hand. With my own PTSD, that was, and still is, not an easy thing to do. I recall digging my well-worn Mariners Cross out of hiding from under my uniform while glancing up at the night sky for the possible glare of a rocket and furtively kissing it before quickly tucking it back out of sight while heading out to the bunkers...and how I thought seriously about kissing the good earth of America after coming home from my Afghanistan deployment. Years after
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