Page 294 - Total War on PTSD
P. 294

 When a retreat client feels benefit from their massage, I give them information so that they can find a practitioner in their home area. We also have a program for follow up care with our staff at the Veterans Wellness and Healing Center in Angel Fire, NM, where we are based. This care is either at no cost or deeply discounted for them. Many of them do utilize the continued care, and many participants keep in touch with each other and form their own support groups and continuing friendships. In the 10 years of doing these retreats we have witnessed amazing growth and progress in participants’ well-being, and the entire staff is dedicated to making each retreat safe, loving, supportive, and effective.
**If you are a former or potential client, or if you want more information, you can contact the National Veterans Wellness and Healing Center via phone at #(575)377-5236 or visit the website at:**
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