Page 1038 - Total War on PTSD
P. 1038
you experience the renewed life you are leading now. For others, it may still be an on- going fight. It doesn’t matter at all which one of these you might be. What does matter is that you are still in the fight and that your eyes are open to all the wonderful options that are out there and available to help you all. Never, ever give up that fight. My heart is lighter every moment...every second...and filled with happiness when I think about how much I know this book can, and will, help each and every one of you. Until we shall meet again, an excerpt from TAPS: Go to sleep Peaceful sleep May the Soldier Or Sailor God keep On the land Or the deep Safe in sleep Courtenay Nold IMPORTANT NEWS!: As this book was going to press, the House of Representatives voted unanimously to provide Service Dogs to Veterans with PTSD. It all goes as expected, and the bill is passed into law, the big questions will be funding and regulations to define who qualifies. That is likely to begin a series of very intense battles. I can only hope that it is a short series of battles that doesn’t evolve into a ‘war’ over monetary reward instead of medical, and sustained life benefit. 1038 of 1039