Page 151 - Total War on PTSD
P. 151

 The battle in my mind Through my eyes The truth in every tear I cry I know I cry God knows I cry Not a day goes by That I don't fight The battle of the mind The war is over The battles still in my mind The war is over No, I didn't die Not a day goes by I served in the U.S. Army for 13 years and did four tours to Iraq, and I was injured in 2007 when I was blown up by a roadside bomb that blew up my Humvee. I was the only survivor out of five guys. I had a hard time dealing with that my first year because of survivor's guilt. I can use my sense of humor to get through a lot of kind of block it out. But I also know that my ability to make light of things can help others too. So, I continue to laugh, and make jokes and share my story and an occupational therapist persuaded me to try stand-up comedy. That was nine years ago and I have been doing comedy ever since. I also do motivational speaking and I have been traveling all over the place for that. 151 of 1039 

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