Page 157 - Total War on PTSD
P. 157

 CHAPTER 10 - CBD Steve Danyluk Source: ChapterAuthor I am a U.S. Marine Corps Veteran who at one time worked with Wounded Warriors and Veterans at both Walter Reed and Bethesda Medical Centers. Recently, I arranged for a group of Veterans to go to the U.S. House of Representatives to talk with members of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee. While I was in a position working wounded issues when on Active Duty, I witnessed what I believe was, and continues to be, a policy of over-medicating wounded men and women with opiates and other toxic medications. After leaving Active Duty, I continued to work with wounded Veterans through a number of non-profits that I was affiliated with. It was during this time that I noticed that a significant number of Veterans were self-medicating with Cannabis in an effort to get off of the medications that they were being prescribed by the VA and that they felt were killing them. I have never been an advocate for marijuana, and because of my military background and current career as a commercial airline pilot, I personally cannot use marijuana. However, because of what I 157 of 1039  

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