Page 594 - Total War on PTSD
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Since its launch in 2010, the OWW initiative has partnered with leading Veterans service organizations, Army and Marine bases, and VA medical centers across the country — as well as with military colleges in order to create a new generation of more resilient officers. The TM-based Resilient Warrior Program has been extensively researched by over 400 peer-reviewed studies, including over $26 Million in grants from the National Institutes of Health to study the program’s effectiveness for reducing stress and heart disease. Key TM findings for Veterans include: 40-55% reduction in symptoms of PTSD; 42% decrease in insomnia; 30% improvement in satisfaction with quality of life; 25% reduction in plasma cortisol levels; decreased high blood pressure — on par with first-line anti hypertensives; and 47% reduced risk of cardiovascular-related mortality. More than 500,000 U.S. troops deployed since 2001 suffer from PTSD — a small fraction of our Veterans who served in our armed forces. And yet, less than 12% will actually receive adequate care due to a lack of effective treatments, fear of stigma or insufficient resources. Half of those with PTSD won’t receive any care at all. Left untreated, PTSD cripples functioning and places Veterans at great risk for violent and self-destructive behavior, including: alcoholism or drug abuse; severe depression, anxiety or emotional numbness; family and employment problems; suicide — today more than 6,500 Veterans die by suicide every year. It is imperative that we help Veterans and the brave men and women still in active- duty deal with the stress that stays with them long after they have returned home. TM is an incredibly simple, accessible, evidence-based tool that can help those overcome 594 of 1039