Page 973 - Total War on PTSD
P. 973

 CHAPTER 28 - MY LIFELINE Kodiak the German Shepherd, Bear the German Shepherd/Labrador Mix and Oso the Border Collie - Ronald: I served in the U.S. Army Reserve from January 1988 until May 1989; U.S. Army from May 1989 until March 1995; and the Pennsylvania Army National Guard from April 2006 until August 2010 (mobilized from September 2008 until August 2010 when I received my medical discharge). If I were given the choice to serve again I would, without a doubt. Although I have lived in constant pain since 26 October 2008, I would not hesitate to answer the call again. The military gave me the discipline that I needed, at a time that I needed it. I served twice. The first time I was in I had two Military Occupation Specialties (MOS’s) Administration (75B) working in the Battalion Headquarters in the Personnel Section and Infantryman (11B) served in a Mechanized Infantry Battalion. I then had an 11-year break in service and reenlisted as Administration (42A) again working in Battalion Headquarters in the Personnel Section. I am consistently working towards ‘recruiting’ younger members of my extended family. The benefits of military service are so great that I feel everybody who is capable of serving should. I hate to see potential talent wasted away in dead-end jobs, or dealing with enormous college loans that are being taken out by members of my extended family. 973 of 1039     

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