Page 1012 - Total War on PTSD
P. 1012

 United States, he was in a movie, we traveled the world and met people and Duke brightened their lives along the way. Now it's time for Duke to retire and for me to find a new Service Dog to fill his 'shoes'.
Finding the right Service Dog to fill his shoes was very difficult. I was trying to find the right dog that could love me and be in tune with my individual needs like Duke is. Finding Sasha, who is a Red Nose Pit Bull Mix, was a blessing because she got a new home and I got new dog to be trained to replace old Duke. Looking at Sasha from the time I got her a couple of years ago until now, she has really blossomed into the best Service Dog. When I got her at the age of 18 months, she was never potty trained or anything. Once she come home, she had to be crated for a couple of weeks when I was out and about. This was the case until she got into a training program and I had her shots up-to-date. After everything was done, she was never in a crate again. One funny thing she does is cock her head sideways whenever I talk to her. It looks like she is hearing everything I say and that she understands every word. Her toothy smile reminds me of one of those dogs from a dog toothbrush commercial. She loves to go to the dog park. Every time we ask her if she wants to go to there, she goes crazy and starts barking and running all over the house. It's almost like she's trying to make sure we are getting ready to go. When are walking to the park, I will occasionally let her off her leash so she can run and play a little. She will run up a few feet and then run back to me over and over again...doing that until we reach the end of the little dirt road right before the park. She will then stop and let me put her back on leash. Sasha loves to play with her friends at the dog park and it's her favorite thing to do daily.
When Sasha got home for the first time, she and Duke got into it. Duke won, and ever since then both Duke and Sasha play ball and tug-o-war with each other. They even sleep together. Sasha was the best thing for a Duke as well. Ever since she came into our lives, she turned Duke's life around. Duke is like a little puppy again who wants to play not only with me but also with Sasha. In the past couple of years since getting Sasha she has brought me some great memories of both Duke and Sasha. Even though I know it's only a matter of time for old Duke
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