Page 862 - Total War on PTSD
P. 862

 probably too rough with her when she bit me. They told me that dogs in the wild, when there's another dog member that's sick, the rest of the pack can smell it, she was able to smell the sickness in me, and naturally, they will be aggressive. Well, she was being aggressive with me because she was able to sense the seizures in me before they would come on...and she didn't know how to respond. The trainers started working with me to show her how to be more affectionate with me. Within three months I had a seizure detection dog. Within those three months, one of the times she alerted Bayley was acting really crazy and barking so I called my wife and she came right home. By the time my wife made it home the paramedics were already there at the house because I went into a cardiac arrest grand mal seizure. We had a panic button on the wall for our security system with ADT. It was installed for my that a three-year- old could push it if something happened with Daddy and he needed to get help. Well, Bayley slapped it because she knew what it was for by watching my son (watching the training for my son). Well, ADT heard the dog barking, sent paramedics, and Bayley even opened the front door for the paramedics. We also had camera systems installed so that, if anything like that happened, that people would know what had happened to me. Well, the recording showed that I was apparently not breathing right after I collapsed, because Bayley had her paws on my chest and was rocking on my chest so they assumed that she was trying to do CPR, and when I was vomiting she nudged me to lay me on my side and did a mouth sweep to clean my mouth out (tonguing it out) and pretty much saved my life. So pretty much since then she is pretty much treated like the princess she is. Even my wife says no one in the house gets treated any better than her.
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