Page 466 - Total War on PTSD
P. 466
Many Veterans don’t seek help when they need it, so a program of “soft” self-discovery can lead them to professional mental healthcare, while giving them purpose after the classes are over. Once Veterans have completed the eight-week photography training course, we require them to photograph an event — using their craft to support fellow Veterans and using their new skills to show Veterans having fun and being vulnerable with each other in a very safe environment.
Low-lying PTSD symptoms — social anxiety, pulling back from community and family, and a lack of connection — can lead to depression and create a vicious cycle for returning Veterans. Many are reluctant to seek help due to the stigma of mental illness or the difficulty in connecting with the right services and care networks. Task Force: ISO focuses on Veterans who appear to be functioning just fine, but may be struggling as I was when I returned from combat. My journey through photography has led me to be more outgoing. The organization depends on networking — with individuals, with other
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