Page 594 - Total War on PTSD
P. 594
anxiety still rears its ugly head in certain situations...but I can handle it because I’ve learned the tools to deal with anxiety thanks to your guidance.” When people follow the simple path of more wholesome habits, especially the calming of the mind through meditation, exercise, and diet, life is observed more clearly. People start to grow and evolve at a much faster pace than if they were continuing their lives with a muddy and agitated mind.
The agitated mind takes up a lot of energy. By deepening our spiritual life, or whatever you want to call the path of Tibetan Medicine, we find lasting joy and happiness. The holistic approach of Tibetan Medicine for relieving anxiety and rLung Imbalance results in a stronger person, both mentally and physically. My clients who come off their medication feel like they’ve accomplished much and have a deeper sense of themselves. They have successfully developed new healthy personal habits thanks to Tibetan Medicine and their own discipline and hard work. They are meditating, exercising more, using the Tibetan incense, and have new dietary habits that are more nourishing for their constitution. By eliminating or reducing their anxiety medication, they feel more aware of themselves and others. It is as if they feel more connected and involved in their lives, like the medication had buffered and separated them from the world around them. They feel more in contact with reality, exactly as things are. Many clients remark on how intensely joyous and wonderful life is, but also how intensely the struggle of life requires a new kind of courage for them. When working with anxiety medication, I always work closely with a person’s doctor. Sometimes a person can only lessen the medication by milligrams. Even so,
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