Page 814 - Total War on PTSD
P. 814

Bridget the Pitbull Terrier - Geoffrey: I am an Active Duty U.S. Army Veteran and served from 12/1998 to 1/2007. During that time, my assignments included service from 12/1998 to 1/2004 with the 741st Military Intelligence Battalion, National Security Agency (NSA) (a strategic assignment), Fort George G. Meade, Maryland; 1/2004 to 1/2007 with the 1st of the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) Stuttgart, Germany (a tactical assignment); and 5/2005 to 12/2005 attached to the 75th Ranger Regiment deployed to Jalalabad, Afghanistan.
If I could do it all over again, I definitely would. The military instills personal characteristics that cross many facets of life. Integrity, discipline, and intestinal fortitude are just a few. Many of the experiences had in the military cannot be experienced anywhere else. Shooting large weaponry, traveling in advanced, tactical aircraft or personnel carriers, and developing incredibly tight bonds with fellow service members are unique to military service. Additionally, the military offers amazing opportunities to travel the world.
Service members have a lot of power to direct the path of their military career. While working for the NSA was a great honor, I wasn’t happy being assigned to a strategic unit; sitting at a desk behind a computer all day was not why I joined the military. Therefore, when it came time to reenlist, I contacted my Branch Directorate and negotiated my own deal. I ended up getting a
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