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rode with me...all in all he was a fantastic dog. If I was having problems, he didn't want anybody around me. He wasn't aggressive but, if I was in bed and I was having problems, he would growl. He would do that with my wife until we trained that out of him...and got him to a point that she was allowed to get in bed with me and to take care of me. I remember one time we were at an airport and I was laying on my belly and dozed off...and he was laying across my back. I started having a panic attack and somebody videotaped it and showed me the video afterwards. He just went on and on trying to nudge me awake with his nose. Another time I was driving an 18-wheeler pulling a race-rig down to Florida and I had stopped to sleep in the sleeper. I was half awake thinking I was having a heart attack because my chest was hurting so bad and when I came fully awake, he was jumping up and down with his front paws on my chest trying to wake me up. I don't know if I was having nightmares or my heart rate was getting too low or what but he picked up on all that stuff. He was just amazing in what he would do for me...and all that stuff was in private. Nobody else sees it. A lot of times, out in public, people would think both Satellite and Millie were just pets. A lot of times, when I am out in public with Millie, she will stand behind me, against the back of my legs like she has my six. And she will let me know if someone starts coming up to me.
Satellite was all white with a few black spots. I've had Blue Heelers and Red Heelers all of my life but I never had one that color. When you bathed him, you could see all the different colors in his skin. He had some black on his face, and some on the tip of what little tail he had and a few on his hips, but other than that he was as white as can be. I actually had two dogs to choose from when I got Satellite. They were both in the same pen and when I went to get a dog, they wanted to see how the dogs would react to me. So, I just went into the pen and laid down on the grass. It took around ten to fifteen minutes...they'd come up and sniff and walk away...and I didn't try to do anything...I didn't try to call them or anything like that. Finally, Satellite came over and just laid down right next to me, at my chest. It was like he was saying "okay, let's go home." I always said I'd never get another white dog and you know you don't pick the dog; the dog picks you, but Millie is a stark white German Shepherd.
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