Page 1027 - TWOPTSD
P. 1027
A particularly annoying habit he has, which I guess I better get used to, is that he follows me absolutely everywhere...including the bathroom. I have to call my hubby to grab his attention so I can get a little personal space once in a while. There are some places you just shouldn’t be watched. I guess he is going to be a Service Dog if things work out...and it’s not like he’s going to wait outside the public bathroom if I have to go potty, right?
Crush just had his Rabies booster shot and he is doing great and growing fast. He now weighs over 40 pounds...and so has doubled his weight over five months.
The other day when we were giving him a bath I had one of vey few opportunities to feel really comfortable...and calm! I know it was because of Crush, at least partially... and partially because of the Ketamine treatment I had from the previous day. Regardless, we were out on the back porch with him in the raised doggy tub, and at one point he sat down, and while Danny was washing his back and sides, I was holding and rubbing his head softly and just talking quietly to him...and felt like we both really connected and that he was really relaxed and calm. His eyes were half closed and he was just totally mommy’s boy. It just felt so great to me...and I almost never get to feel that great...or that calm. It made me so glad to have that little angel. No matter how much of a pain in the ass he can be at times. To be continued?
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