Page 1050 - TWOPTSD
P. 1050

 I have been on Military Network Radio, hosted by Linda Kreter, which can be accessed here: ptsd/? fbclid=IwAR3uZ8b1YXGTJ4YqITHKaGJyHYhyQEVfIq2Kw35tAHklj_gazt79WVdAzWo
I have also been profiled in a local hometown news story which is available here: ptsd/? fbclid=IwAR3uZ8b1YXGTJ4YqITHKaGJyHYhyQEVfIq2Kw35tAHklj_gazt79WVdAzWo
With 5,000 book and military-related contacts on Facebook alone, and I am working diligently to develop more as this goes ‘to print’.
With ‘Life Mediations for Post-Traumatic Stress’, a book that is also ready for publication right now; I am also co-writing a children’s book titled ‘A Cane for Daddy’ with Children’s Book author Seth Kastle, author of ‘Why is Daddy So Mad’. I am also working on two additional books, now in the planning stages. One on Canine PTSD and one about my PTSD (to be) Service Dog Crush.
I strive to offer anyone who wants encouragement and support through visual art and the written word. I seek to help anyone who needs a way to fight their ‘demons’ and win...and see the sunshine again.
Maybe we could add a couple drone strikes in for good measure and see where that takes us. Total War on PTSD!
“We are all broken...that’s how the light gets in.” - Earnest Hemingway
1050 of 1052 I have been asked to ‘appear’ on Military Broadcast Radio by Joel Hunt (the H-Train), who had contacts with 30 additional military and non-military related radio stations. There is also a potential here of doing podcasts on a regular to semi-regular basis.
My spouse and I were interviewed for a local hometown news story which is available here:

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