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 72 hours which is a dramatic improvement over TENS and other types of old-fashioned electrical stimulation.
All BioWave devices utilize the company’s patented signal technology which includes active monitoring and control of the electrical signals to ensure the accurate and safe delivery of therapeutic energy into deep tissue. BioWave neurostimulators automatically prevent patients from receiving too much current which could lead to a burn.
All BioWave devices alternate the delivery of the two summed high-frequency signals so quickly back and forth to the two electrodes that the patient cannot distinguish that the signals have left either location. The net effect is there are two active electrodes, each of which can treat a distinct volume of tissue simultaneously and there is no noxious twitching sensation like TENS.
Low frequency signals (1-180Hz in frequency) are required to inhibit transmission of pain signals along nerve fibers in the body. However, electrical signals in this frequency range cannot pass through the skin because of the skin’s impedance and capacitance. TENS devices deliver pulsed low-frequency signals across the surface of skin typically between two surface electrodes placed on either side of the painful area. The result is a surface effect based on Gate Control
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