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 health conditions need not give up the other programs that may be helping their condition. The Blu Room will compliment any other program.
What is not covered as much in this chapter are the subtler emotional and mental health improvements that are often overlooked in the search for relief from a physical malady. Compassion, love, understanding, a state of calm in the face of adversity — these are also benefits that Blu Room users have reported. They are the renewed states of mind that deeply influence the physical state of the body.
"Far too often, we're leaving our Veterans to fight their toughest battles alone." - Senator John Walsh (D-MO) (First Iraq War combat veteran to serve in the U.S. Senate)
You are not alone. The healing journey begins with a change of perspective, a mental reset or rebirth that leads the body to a physical renewal. May the words in this chapter help restore your confidence in the journey to a greater you.
We are at wonderful place in the evolution of the Blu Room. Over 120,000 user sessions have been provided in the U.S. and 11 other countries. There are 35 operational Blu Room locations with eight additional locations under construction. Countries with Blu Room services include the U.S., Argentina, Austria, Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Switzerland, and Taiwan. Four locations are for private
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