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The Blu Room also provides a lifting of mood. Mood is a residual attitude we carry with us between emotional storms. When mood is lifted, the storms can abate. In addition to a vitamin D boost, the Blu Room triggers the brain to release endorphins. Among other effects, the secretion of endorphins induces a sense of euphoria and enhances the immune response. With higher endorphin levels, you feel less pain and are less affected by stress. Many users report a sense of detachment, a sense of no time passing, and a state of joy, all of which are normal states.
There is a great deal of research on the benefits of a short nap during the day. A 20-minute nap provides significant benefit for improved alertness and performance without leaving you feeling groggy or interfering with nighttime sleep. A 20-minute Blu Room session will give you an extra boost over a regular nap. Shift your brainwaves from beta (the day-to-day reactive state) to the deeper – more creative — frequencies of alpha or theta.
The theta brain state is a slower rate of brainwaves that occurs during deep focus or during dream sleep. The theta state can be accompanied by vivid imagery, creative thoughts, insights, and inspiration. Many Blu Room users report experiences similar to the theta state, including temporary loss of awareness of time, a sense of detachment, even mild euphoria.
In our daily waking state of consciousness, we are polarized in our thoughts and emotions, self and other, positive and negative, good and bad, morality and karma. To move in consciousness to the alpha or theta brain state provides a period of stasis, calm, peace, and even joy in the absence of polarized thought. Imagine a little slice of heaven on earth. The Blu Room is based upon the metaphysical science of elsewhere — “on earth as it is in heaven.”
All pathologies begin as polarized attitudes that chemically stress the body. When you remove the polarity, you make room for deep relaxation, a sense of tranquility, and the opportunity for the greater mind to be present and observe a greater reality to be experienced in the body.
In addition to clinical locations, the Blu Room can be found at spas and wellness services. Most spa/wellness programs treat the body. When we think “spa,” we often think of massage, facials, manicures, etc. When we think “wellness program,” we conjure up weight loss, fitness, supplements, and more. With the Blu Room, relaxation and beauty starts with the mind. True beauty is a radiance from within, where one feels calm, open, light, and inspired! It is hard to be radiant when you are stressed out, in pain, in fear, or lacking sleep. That is where the Blu Room
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