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 CHAPTER 9 - CAMP 4 HEROES John Woodall
Source (all images/logo): Chapter Author
My father is the President and Founder for Camp 4 Heroes. His name is John A. Woodall and I am John T. Woodall. I am known as John T. and everyone calls my dad Captain Woody. So, 17 years ago, when the towers fell in New York, I was standing on the riverbanks in New Jersey and I watched the buildings fall. My father ended up becoming a liaison from North Carolina to New York (he's a retired North Carolina/Raleigh Fireman) to support the Firemen who lost 343 brothers in the World Trade Center. So, we made those connections and began to help him to build relationships with the New York Firemen, and helped support them to raise millions of dollars; helped them by buying vans, supporting families who had lost loved ones.
We began to go from New York down to Walter Reed Hospital once the war started and people were starting to come back injured. We started going there and we would work with Gary Sinise or John Voight or any of these celebrities that supported the Warriors. There were a lot of these guys around at the time and we'd go in with them and they'd sign autographs and I'd bring my guitar and would take requests. I would play and sing and John Voight or somebody would talk to them. My dad would be there in his uniform and he would tell them that, "We were sorry that
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