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 I do have a mild TBI for Iraq and have had vertigo ever since, and that's the reason I fell into the fire, so it's all service connected.
My wife and I went to our local VFW (Chapter 1733) and we were there just hanging out one day and there were these two guys who came through with 'Mother of all Rucks' who were going cross-country to raise money for Veterans. Well, they kept in touch with us and told us about the Camp 4 Heroes organization and introduced us to its leadership, after which we were invited to come out to the camp to visit. We ended up meeting everybody when we went down to assist with the disaster relief efforts. We stayed in their single room cabins for three nights while we worked to assist with the relief efforts.
One of the nights that we were there they grilled out. They had horses, goats and even a pig that walks around out there. The horses were kept in a pen but the goats and the pot-bellied pig were allowed free range.
If any Veteran needs a place where they can feel safe, a place where they can be amongst other Veterans, that this place is very hospitable and the people running the camp are very nice people. They really care about their Veterans, and they take a lot of pride in what they do. It isn't just a haphazard kind of camp. As a combat Veteran, I felt very safe there. I wasn't nervous at all the entire time I was at the camp. It's a really big thing for people like me, a combat Veteran with PTSD, to feel safe anywhere.
They are really getting off the ground here and making things happen in support of Veterans. But they can't do it for free. Thoughts and prayers can only go so far though. It is the support of people who care about our Veterans, and who care about the mission of Camp 4 Heroes, that
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