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facial expressions, emotions, breathing characteristics, muscle tone, skin color, and movement characteristics including smoothness, transmission of forces through the skeleton, and changes in range of motion. The importance of self-care is emphasized. It is made clear to students that they have permission to do whatever they need to take care of themselves, whether it is crying, falling asleep, not doing the lesson, or leaving the room.
Because of the slower pace, the lack of goal and the directed attention in Feldenkrais lessons, students often find a greater sense of "me." They feel more grounded, straighter, lighter, more solid, taller. They can move more easily, with less pain, with a clearer sense of themselves and with more purpose. They can find a way to stem anxiety, gain self- confidence and unlock new potential.
Benefits of the Feldenkrais Method
• Improving posture, flexibility, balance, and coordination
• Enhancing physical well-being
• Reducing chronic pain, fatigue, stress, and muscle strain
• Quieting the nervous system
• Increasing function in cases of orthopedic or neurological problems
• Developing awareness, attention, and thinking ability
• Increasing confidence and self-esteem
• Expediting recovery from injury
• Utilizing a greater portion of the thousands of individual movements available in the human body
Many free Awareness Through Movement lessons can be found through the internet.
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