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be with your breathing. It is about being consistent for the rest of your life with being joyful and happy even if it is only for 15 or 20-minutes while on the mat. It will extend into the rest of your life if you continue to do it daily.
You just need to allow Yoga and DOGA to cure. Don't be afraid of trying something new if it's new to you. Take time to just sit on the floor and if you don't have a yoga mat try a big towel or a big blanket and have your dog just be there with you. Just sitting with your back up-right and your heart open you will be able to allow good things to come to you and will also be able to do things like feeling the energy of your dog going in and feel the energy of you going out. You don't have to do any fancy can do just sitting or standing and folding/pending forward then touching your dog. Three great poses to do every single day are a seated pose with your legs crossed with your dog in front of you or your legs wrapped around your dog (with your dog in your lap). Another is sitting with your legs wide, your dog in front of you and your arms around your dog. The third is standing and then folding/bending forward with your dog beneath you.
The best thing you can do is to learn some simple Yoga moves on your own and then just incorporate your dog into your Yoga practice in any way that feels natural. Just allow yourself to use Yoga with your dog through DOGA like it is a medicine. Do it every day, be consistent with it, be patient, and allow it to become a part of your life forever.
**For more information about DOGA please visit my website at:**
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