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the traumatic events in more of an internal counseling session with themselves. Floating is only a tool, but many military/Veterans are getting great relief from their PTSD symptoms from floating. It's a very unique therapy that's great for a mental and physical break.
We have had very good experiences with local Veteran clients with PTSD and we have received referrals from both private therapists and from those working as contract employment on military bases.”
"Float therapy is also known as sensory deprivation. You can be free of touch, sight, sound, and gravity. It just allows your body to decompress and destress as well as your mind. For folks who feel they can't shut their brain down enough to relax, all you have to do is try it one time. Your brain is going to get into this fade away state of brain waves and when you get into that state it allows your body to recover in a way that you would as if you were sleeping.”
“Inside the pod, there's the 150 gallons of water and 1,000 pounds of medical grade Epsom salt that's dissolved in that water. This allows you to float effortlessly on the surface of the water just from the sheer density of the salt. The salt also helps reduce inflammation. Once you float effortlessly, your spine will decompress, and your muscles and joints will instantly start letting go and start relaxing. You'll be free of gravity cause you're floating effortlessly. You can be free of touch because we heat the temperature of the water to 93.5 which matches the outside sensory touch of your skin so within a few minutes of floating you'll lose sense of the water.”
He continued, "We have the Patriot themed float room. Use of this room is free for Veterans and Active Duty service members who have been diagnosed with PTSD. Because of our military background and having deployed, we have lots of friends who have PTSD. It really gives us the drive to help our fellow brothers and sisters in the military. We have had more than 140 Veterans
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