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 the business connection, the person working on getting and maintaining funding and sponsorships. I also do shooting and video editing.
Because of my health issues, this is my way of giving back. We aren't curing cancer or anything like that...we are making adaptive controllers for video games. We are also trying to bring disability awareness into the gaming community as a whole.
Bennie Sullivan: I'm a C5-C6 burst fracture injury. I'm also a Quadriplegic just like Nate Gonzalez. I was actually injured in Hawaii while I was on the all Air Force Volleyball team. We were running on the beach and the wake of the water rushed up and took my feet out from underneath me, and I flipped over on top of my head and snapped my neck. It was pretty much a freak accident. I got hurt back in August of 2001. They are doing this because I got involved with Microsoft and I built controllers with my disability and whatnot.
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