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basically taught me what I was missing in online games, and when that happened I jumped all the way up to the top of the scoreboards. When they were on I was usually fourth or fifth place but when they weren't I was first or second most of the time when I played on my own. So, they gave me those tools on how to win first person shooters and that's around the time that the PlayStation 4 came out so I kind of became addicted to first person shooter games.
I was doing those every Monday, trying to find as many people as I could because I wanted other people to be able to experience what I was going through...basically the joy of starting off down at the bottom and worked my way up through hard work and learning things...and I wanted my fellow Veterans to experience the same things.
When Nate came out of his coma, he saw me there doing my Monday 'thing' and working with everybody else. Nate and I literally got our injuries weeks apart from each other. He was like, why don't we just make this thing go big as a non-profit, and that's really how the Gamerz4Vets started for us...and that was back in March of 2017. He got most of the paperwork together, and Gamerz4Vets was born. At first things went really slow. Nate's computer classes ended up making computer games for our Veterans. They were making them specifically for individuals.
We had a couple of quadriplegics who couldn't use their arms at all, they only used their mouth, so for one in particular, we ended up getting her a controller that she could use with her mouth as a sip and blow. The university created a video game with the knowledge that she had this controller and could play it. It all came off pretty well. They weren't super-polished video games because they were just students but it was still a great effort. It was wonderful that their teacher, John Quarles (Assoc. Professor of Computer Studies, University. of Texas at San Antonio) got them involved.
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