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 During the treatment the initial infusions usually take place over approximately two weeks with six infusions being administered every other day. In parts of the brain that control mood and emotions, the Ketamine infusion creates new connections in the brain. These new connections help the brain to send positive signals to the psyche, along with beneficial physical conditions to the body. These new connections help the brain send impulses to parts of the brain that help “restore” the non-depressive areas of the brain.
In light of the most recent medical studies performed over the last 15 years up to 70% of patients can anticipate considerable relief even if they have a history of resisting traditional depression treatments. Results cannot be guaranteed but we have the flexibility to recommend the frequency of treatments and the dosages that we believe will deliver the best results to you. Typically a series of six to eight Ketamine infusions is sufficient to yield a positive response from patients.
I have extensive experience managing patients who need this therapy and have seen consistent benefits from this therapy in my patients who suffer from depression. This is a safe and reliable treatment that is tailored to each patient's unique medical profile and the therapy is administered using state-of-the-art technology. In addition, each patient's response and progress is carefully tracked and recorded.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
TMS is an FDA approved treatment for treatment refractory depression. It has also been used
in the treatment of pain, anxiety, migraines, Fibromyalgia, Bipolar Disorder, OCDs and other illnesses where the use of medication has not been as effective as desired. TMS has very minimal negative effects on your body and doesn't upend your daily schedule. There are no
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