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author/editor has done a huge service by bringing together all this knowledge. She has done it with a fierce passion for finding the truth. Here is what you need to know as you begin the healing journey this book offers. First, the basics:
Military and civilian, heroes and victims. Any race. Any gender. Any age. Anyone can suffer from PTSD. It is not a sign of weakness, anyone who has been in danger and feared for their lives is a candidate for PTSD.
At any given moment, an estimated eight million Americans are doing their best to survive PTSD’s repeated inner assaults. Too often, the patient’s condition is misdiagnosed and the patient is disrespected, adding deep insult to awful injury.
PTSD is a complex disorder created by exposure to shocking trauma and stress. It breaks into the brains of warriors who have seen too much horror. PTSD is the second brutalization of victims of rape. PTSD burns its way into the souls of children who survive school shootings and sexual abuse at the hands of relatives, family friends, ministers, teachers and strangers. PTSD impacts someone you know or someone who you soon will meet.
The largest single group of Americans with PTSD — our military Veterans. No foreign enemy has ever so successfully invaded America as has PTSD. It sneaked onto every troop ship and U.S. Air Force transport plane bringing our brave warfighters home from Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. For decades, our nation’s military and political leaders made believe there was no invasion. They turned
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