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For optimal brain health, at least 50% of the fatty acid content in the blood should be composed of Omega-3s.
The brain is made of fat and about 30% of that fat is what are called Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s have many important, critical functions. The concept of The Omega Protocol is that, if we saturate the brain with what it is made of, and we help create the nutritional foundation for the brain to heal, it will heal.
Think again of that brick wall. If you have a brick wall that gets damaged, you probably want to use bricks to repair the wall. Omega-3s are, literally, the bricks of the brain. Omega-3s make up a significant part of every neuron cell membrane. There is no cure for concussion and TBI. There are no magic medicines nor will there ever be. The brain must heal itself. But, what we can do is optimize the conditions to help the brain do the healing. That is what using Omega-3s will do.
It would be great if we all ate enough foods high in Omega-3s, but we don’t. The problem is that Omega-6 fatty acids are even more abundant in nature and in our food supply. While Omega-3s are anti-inflammatory, pro-resolving, increase blood flow, and enhance the immune system, Omega-6s promote inflammation, and increase blood clotting, and depress the immune system.
Humans evolved consuming a diet that contained approximately equal amounts of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. About a hundred years ago, the industrial revolution introduced technology that refined vegetable oils. At the same time, there was a meteoric
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