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trauma in her family as well as her military service related PTSD. This PTSD often compounds other traumatic historic issues and it becomes a one-two punch. All trauma can ultimately be worked.
Trauma and stress-related disorders are listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5). Take a look at the following hyperlink available via online link here: appi.books.9780890425596.
The disorder is indicated when exposure to a traumatic or stressful event is listed as a diagnostic criterion. The entire picture of psychological responses and symptoms is defined as PTSD, although there are other disorders listed under the larger category. The essential features of PTSD are the development of symptoms following a psychologically traumatic event such as those I listed earlier. Additional characteristics of PTSD include reexperiencing the events repeatedly; numbing of responsiveness to, or reduced involvement with, normal or important activities; difficulty concentrating; self- destructive behaviors; and a variety of autonomic, mood-related, or cognitive symptoms.
Veterans may have persistent negative beliefs and expectations about themselves or others and the world at large; persistent negative emotions such as guilt, shame, horror, detachment, and estrangement; diminished interests; and difficulty feeling positive emotions. Dissociative symptoms can be part of the picture, including depersonalization (the experience of feeling detached from one’s experience as if floating in a dream) and derealization (feeling as if everything is distant and unreal).
We use the term PTSD to describe the sequela from events in a person’s life — such as neglect, deprivation, and physical, sexual, or emotional abuse — and from the variety of events that as a child, young adult, or adult cannot be metabolized and integrated in a way that allows the person to feel whole. The sympathetic half of the autonomic nervous system sustains a physiological/psychological state of fight, flight, or freeze. PTSD is frequently diagnosed in military personnel and Veterans originating in highly stressful combat situations. It can be diagnosed in first responders such as police officers and
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