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As we know in Orgonomy, the in-utero environment has a critical effect on our development. Zimmer (2019) states: “It is likely that this influence begins before birth, as a pregnant mother’s microbiome releases molecules that make their way into the fetal brain. Mothers seed their babies with microbes during childbirth and breast-feeding. During the first few years of life, both the brain and the microbiome rapidly mature.” Studies of infant amygdalas, the emotional processing center of the brain, are analyzing the effect of diversity of species in the gut and their effect on an infant’s developmental issues. The amygdala, part of the limbic system, controls our primitive reactions, predominantly fear and the memory of it and other emotions (Zimmer, 2019).
All this research is at a preliminary stage, so there are no real prescriptions for microbiome-based cures, and we have to be careful not to be seduced by promotional hype not founded on evidence-based research (Zimmer, 2019).
Weir (2018) suggests a top-down effect: ”If you change the autonomic nervous system activity by decreasing anxiety and increasing coping skills, the signals get from the brain down to the microbes in the gut. It’s not just the microbes talking to the brain. The brain has a big part in this conversation as well.”
This is exciting research with great therapeutic potential. It reinforces the mind-body connection. As we change our mental processes we affect our microbiome. We should always review the factors of diet, exercise, sleep, self-care and self-regulation; as we know that all these habits directly influence our mental health.
Bergland, Christopher. (2016, July). Vagus nerve stimulation dramatically reduces inflammation. Psychology Today.
Retrieved from: vagus-nerve-stimulation-dramatically-reduces-inflammation
Weir, Kirsten. (2018, December). The future of psychobiotics. Monitor on Psychology, Volume 49, Issue 11.
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