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Traditional Veterans’ programs focus on treating the physical issues returning military personnel face. Yet, nearly a third of service members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan report symptoms of mental health or cognitive problems. These “invisible” disabilities, such as Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), can lead to depression and self-destructive behaviors such as alcohol and substance abuse and even suicide.
Veterans like me who leave the military with a low level of PTSD may not recognize why they are struggling with relationships and dealing with boredom and depression. Used to being in an unsafe environment, the shift back to civilian life may cause them to relive that feeling through reckless and dangerous activities. Not knowing what they are dealing with, lack of access to mental health services, and the gaps in service for this level of need contribute to the high number of homeless Veterans, high rates of alcohol and drug dependency and high rates of suicide among Veterans.
Josh’s Story