Page 46 - TWOPTSD
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 • Visual changes that can include tunnel vision or narrowing of the visual field
• Heightening or dampening of their hearing
• Increased ringing or pitch heightening of tinnitus for those who already have this ailment • Dry mouth
• Muscle tension
• Feeling hot or sweaty
• Increased heart rate
• Increased or shallow breathing patterns
• An increased urge to urinate
• A feeling of a surge of adrenalin
In a combat zone, this cascade of symptoms is usually related to something bad happen and the individual being in a dangerous situation. When they symptoms occur in the combat Veteran’s daily life stateside, they often will become more vigilant, believe something bad is about to happen, and will often leave the environment out of fear and anticipation that something dangerous is about to occur. They have relied on this “Spidey sense” as a survival in the combat zone and continue to be reactive to it when they return home. At the beginning of treatment, I almost always ensure that the Veteran understands the role of combat triggers in their response to their environment and try to help them recognize how these subtle and now benign experiences are no longer danger indicators.
Many individuals do not understand how physically ingrained PTSD is for the individual who is experiencing it. The combat Veteran cannot simply “forget about their experience” or “let it go” and it will take considerable work and processing for them to reduce their symptoms over time. Re-experiencing symptoms can occur day or night and often feel like they have a life of their own, haunting the individual who has been through traumatic experiences. The combat Veteran struggles to cope with both their internal and external world upon returning from a combat zone. Beyond the fight or flight symptoms mentioned above, combat Veterans can experience nightmares, flashbacks, intrusive memories, and even dissociation when emotions or triggers
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