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 The efficacy of Mindfulness practices, such as Mentastics, is supported by the growing body of evidence-based research regarding the benefits of Mindfulness practices and Trauma-informed Yoga. Mindfulness implies keeping a moment-by-moment awareness of what is occurring within the framework of the body, our feelings, bodily sensations, surrounding environment, and even our thoughts. An important component of this state of awareness is being equanimous with, or accepting of, what we observe as it is in particular physical sensations. In doing so we are in the present moment, not ruminating over the past or being anxious about the future and experiencing their associated emotional states. Coupled with curiosity, self-inquiry, these mindful movements have a capacity to reprogram our motor function to be more efficient, comfortable and easy.
In addition to controlling heart rate variability, Mindfulness has been shown to result in a decrease of the grey matter of the brain’s amygdala, the region known for its flight or fight role in stress. This decrease of the amygdala allows for increased self-control as it decreases impulsivity allowing for more emotional resilience. These studies have also shown a beneficial thickening of the grey matter in the pre-frontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for emotional control, awareness, concentration, problem-solving and planning. The hippocampus of the brain, which helps with memory and learning as well as emotion, also has been shown to have increased amounts of grey matter with mindfulness practices. This is especially important for those suffering with depression or PTSD as the hippocampus is covered with receptors for the stress hormone cortisol which can be damaged by chronic stress such as those conditions may cause.
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