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An Iraqi Vet and our neighbor shared with us that he had PTSD and a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). He also lost his hearing in one ear. He said his job was to detect and dismantle land mines and that he “messed up.” I could tell by the sound of his voice that he blamed himself for his injuries. He was so sensitive to loud sounds it was impossible for him to keep and hold a job. After visiting us we learned he adopted a puppy and talked about it like he had a newborn child. It’s when you see the eyes light up and get goose bumps all over when you know a healing has had a moment.
A 92-year old World War II Veteran came one day to visit the Wolves. It was too cold a day to meet them outside as we usually do so we brought him and his wife into our home. We have Indoor/Outdoor Wolves. When he met our Alpha male and father of our pack, Takoda, they really connected. Takoda a huge 116 pound Arctic/MacKenzie curled up at his feet. Within a minute this tall warrior climbed onto our living room floor, face-to-face
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