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 abuse, injury, loss, grief, abandonment, and PTSD. We bring our Wolf, Freedom mostly; he is like a magnet for whatever ails you and he can love it all away. Shielded by his fur, he doesn’t mind looking acceptingly into your eyes, rubbing his healing, energetic scent on you and then rolling over to let you pet his belly with all of the trust the universe has to offer. They are all healers, but I believe his destiny is to be with us to bring wellness and peace to the hearts of those who suffer and are in need of healing and recognition.
We here at Shadowland Foundation are dedicated to saving Wolves in the wild and we do it by introducing Wolves as they really are, as sentient beings. As I said as I started this writing, we have had the honor of living with and being unconditionally loved by them and letting them teach us every day the meaning of life. Abandoned by our families’ years ago, we have been adopted and are treasured by a pack family that takes care of us in every way that’s meaningful. They serve our hearts and souls desires. Our emotional needs are met and the Wolves think we deserve it. We are still working to

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