Page 538 - TWOPTSD
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 9. Experiencing your innate Wholeness of Being and Awareness. Experiencing yourself as the witness or observer of all that present in your body, mind, and the world around you. Your ability to be unchanging witnessing presence, that is always at peace and ease.
10. Integration of iRest into Daily life. Integrate the tools of iRest into your daily life.
The power of iRest rests in a variety of core principles. These core principles are foundation stones that underlie the iRest Program, and each of its 10 steps. The core principles are what make iRest such a powerful program for healing PTSD. They include:
• Learning to be welcoming.
• Accepting what is.
• Stopping self-judgment.
• Recognizing that everything is a messenger. • Knowing that you’re always doing your best. • Understanding the law of awareness.
• Feeling safe with yourself.
• Engaging ongoing self-inquiry.
• Embracing right attitudes of body, mind, and speech. • Discovering your innate, non-separate wholeness.
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