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 stress and support to restore normal fluctuation in biochemical pathways to achieve homeostasis. The Resiliency Program does both of these.
“”You don’t have to go through life angry”. That’s what a friend of mine said when he told me about Dr. Zodkoy’s Resiliency Program and the use of the Neuro Emotional Technique. Within hours of treatment, I called my wife in a state of euphoria. I had emotions I hadn’t felt for years and definitely not since commanding a combat brigade during Surge Operations in Iraq. I’m able to be happy again and, as my wife put it, “You finally came home,”” – Colonel Dave S.
Nutritional Support for PTSD:
The idea that nutritional supplementation could change the outcome of PTSD is completely beyond the realm of traditional medicine. The common thinking in the medical field is, that if a drug isn’t strong enough to help with can nutritional supplements. The reason nutritional supplements are more effective than medications in PTSD is because drugs push a biochemical pathway in only on direction, but our moods need to fluctuate with the changing events throughout the day. Nutritional supplements by nature bring the mind-body into homeostasis or balance so that it can adapt to life’s daily changes. It is nutritional supplements ability to restore homeostasis to the mind-body that restores a PTSD sufferer’s sense of well-being and happiness.
Military medicine wanted no part of nutritional supplements or natural approaches to helping with PTSD. The strongest argument was that there were no studies to prove that
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