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incident, a muted response to a major stress or being unable to motivate themselves to do the basic things. Resetting a normal and appropriate response to a stressor is key to restoring emotional and physical health to a PTSD sufferer and nutritional supplements are key to rebalancing the HPA-axis so that can happen.
Symptoms from HPA-Axis Dysfunction
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“...referred to Dr. Zodkoy and The Resiliency Program – one week into the program, I cannot believe how much better I feel, how much better I sleep, and my mood is much better.” – Eric
Nutritional supplements that help restore normal HPA-axis function:
The HPA axis, Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal axis, has been accepted by healthcare professionals as the main biochemical pathway involved with how we deal with stress or rather do not deal with stress. A person’s HPA axis is highly influenced by their genetics,