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 Magnolia Bark has two main components, honokiol, and magnolol, which have been a part of traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Research has shown that Magnolia Bark can pass through the brain-blood barrier and is neuroprotective. Its mechanism of action is through the down-regulating of Glutamate receptors, which overstimulate the mind and body. It also works through the Endocannabinoid system in a similar manner to CBD. Animal studies have shown that Magnolia Bark has a direct regulating effect on the HPA-axis which reduces the negative effects of stress and helps with the associated depression. A typical dosage would be 250 mg/day an hour before bed. An additional 250 mg can be used for break through anxiety.
Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) has been shown in research to reduce cortisol and down- regulate the HPA-axis. Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) has been shown in research to reduce cortisol and down-regulate the HPA-axis. It has the benefit of working within 30 minutes and lasting for up to six hours making it one of the most effective adaptogens. Rhodiola dosage at 600 mg/day has been shown to reduce burnout and stressed induced fatigue.
Ashwagandha is unique as an adaptogen because its mechanism of action involves modulating the GABA receptors to promote a sense of calm and reduce triggering the HPA-axis. Research has shown that a dosage of 300 mg twice a day is helpful for stress reduction and weight loss.
The examples above are only a sample of the adaptogens available. Adaptogens have been linked to numerous health benefits: improved cognitive function, sleep, energy, moods, physical endurance, sexual desire and function to name just a few. The
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