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 At Northern Virginia Therapeutic Riding Program (NVTRP) in Clifton, Virginia, we serve Veterans and have seen firsthand the changes and impacts riding and working with horses can have them. While information provided in this chapter is specific to NVTRP and our programming (therapeutic riding is only one type of service in the multi-faceted Equine-assisted activities and therapies (EAAT) industry), we truly believe in the power of horses to enrich and change the lives of Veterans.
EEAT is a growing area for Veteran recovery. Horses have proven time and again how powerful they can be for helping heal all kinds of mental, physical, and emotional trauma. Horses — prey animals with a fight or flight instinct — have a lot in common with Veterans, who have also learned to be on high alert at all times. Because of this, many Veterans find they can easily bond with the horse on an empathetic level.
Working with horses presents unique challenges for Veterans. When interacting with a horse, a Veteran has to stay emotionally present and in the moment, and constantly aware of an equine partner’s feelings and needs. Horsemanship is often a stepping stone for working on other issues in a Veteran‘s life. Veterans can carry lessons learned while working with their horse into other areas of their lives — whether it’s improving personal relationships, succeeding in a civilian job, or simply learning to relax and take time to enjoy themselves.
In therapeutic riding, individuals learn to work with and ride horses, taught by an instructor trained to work with individuals of all backgrounds and abilities. Through
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