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knows how to manage his lifestyle to keep himself in balance. Success in Lobsang’s case gives me great hope that these simple changes can give him, and others anywhere in the world, the quality of life they so desire. Cheers to Tashi Delek Lobsang!
Dr. Jamling said to me, many years ago when visiting the United
States, “There is so much rLung in your country, we need to write a Healing Anxiety Book in English about rLung!” And she was right. Sixty percent of the patients in my practice in the United States suffer from anxiety. Anxiety, stress, mental restlessness, even severe mental illness (which Tibetans call srog-rLung, pronounced sok-loong) affects millions of Americans. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses in the United States, affecting 40 million adults age 18 and older (or 18% of the United States population, as reported by the National Institute of Health). Tibetan medical treatments for rLung could help solve this problem and bring down this statistic. Tibetan medicine has a deep understanding of the mind-body connection and for centuries has documented successful treatments for rLung Imbalance. The primary reason for Tibetan Medicine’s success with anxiety lies in its ability to understand the chi mechanism in the body—the vital force that cannot be seen. Tibetan medical doctors also can recognize three main constitutional types of people, and thus treatment is more holistic and tailor-made to each individual. Tibetan Medicine is successful with anxiety because it not only uses oral medicine (an herbal pill formula), but also
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