Page 662 - TWOPTSD
P. 662
Source (all images): Chapter Author - Kurt Ballash
Ballash Woodworks: How did it all get started? It all started with sourdough hard pretzels. Every time I walked into my grandfather’s shop there was always this oversized tub of sourdough pretzels sitting on the work bench. Well, at the time the tub seemed oversized. I would munch away on this huge twisted pretzel and watch him and my father scurry around the shop for hours. I’m sure along the way there were lots of, “When are we leaving?” or “How much longer?” that seemed to interrupt the progress that needed to be made.
Memories that seem to go back as far as I can remember. By the time I was born my grandfather was already a Master Craftsman, and my father was well on his way. My grandfather started learning on his own before leaving home to serve during the Korean
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